Faith formation or Religious Education, aims to deepen our children’s, youth, and adult contact with Jesus Christ by educational and enrichment opportunities. Designed to teach the faith as well as touch the heart, our programs help our people live and experience a more Christ-centered life.
Elementary and Youth Christian formation
Our Religious Ed classes, kindergarten–4th grade, meet Sunday from 9:30-10:45 (Classes begin September 15th).
Preparation and celebration of first Sacraments, Reconciliation and Communion, occurs in the 2nd grade and it includes learning in the classroom at church as well as at home with the parents. The Sacrament of Confirmation is normally prepared for and celebrated in the 10th grade. Older teens in high school are welcome to attend and receive this sacrament as well. We are part of the New River Valley Confirmation program.
Click here for the FY24-25 Kindergarten-4th grade registration form: ccd_registration_form.pdf
To register for religious education classes or for additional information on our programs, please contact Sheree LaCasse, Business Manager, at [email protected].
Preparation and celebration of first Sacraments, Reconciliation and Communion, occurs in the 2nd grade and it includes learning in the classroom at church as well as at home with the parents. The Sacrament of Confirmation is normally prepared for and celebrated in the 10th grade. Older teens in high school are welcome to attend and receive this sacrament as well. We are part of the New River Valley Confirmation program.
Click here for the FY24-25 Kindergarten-4th grade registration form: ccd_registration_form.pdf
To register for religious education classes or for additional information on our programs, please contact Sheree LaCasse, Business Manager, at [email protected].
Adult faith formation
Our Adult Faith Formation ministry focuses on the particular needs of our faith community. We explore elements of the Catholic faith and practice by meeting to discuss current topics, books of the Bible, and other books for discussion.
Our program currently meets virtually, about twice a year, discussing current topics or books. Please refer to the bulletin for information on all our programs.
Our program currently meets virtually, about twice a year, discussing current topics or books. Please refer to the bulletin for information on all our programs.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
RCIA is an exploration of the Catholic Faith and is the process through which we bring people into the Catholic Church, including those who have never been baptized, those who were baptized in a non-Catholic Christian faith, and those who were baptized Catholic and need to be Confirmed. Our program begins in August and ends in late May.
The RCIA process is much more than a series of classes one must take before joining the Catholic Church. It is a rich and grace-filled journey in which one encounters and walks with Jesus Christ and learns how to follow him in a new and deeper way. A sponsor is chosen to join you in this journey and be present with you when you receive the Easter sacraments.
For more information, please contact St. Jude Office at 540-639-5341.
The RCIA process is much more than a series of classes one must take before joining the Catholic Church. It is a rich and grace-filled journey in which one encounters and walks with Jesus Christ and learns how to follow him in a new and deeper way. A sponsor is chosen to join you in this journey and be present with you when you receive the Easter sacraments.
For more information, please contact St. Jude Office at 540-639-5341.