If you have not returned your Time and Talent form, please do so as soon as possible. You can place your forms in the basket in the commons or you can email the ministries you would like to sign up for to the office. Reminder: Please sign up to continue any previous ministries as everything is on an annual basis.
Religious Ed classes for K-4 begin Sunday morning at 9:30am. If you wish to sign up your child or if you have any questions please contact Sheree LaCasse in the office.
During September, the J&P committee’s FEET on the STREET challenge to parishioners was to fill TWO New Beginning Baskets with all the necessities to kick start a new beginning for a person or family moving into a new home after experiencing homelessness. Your response has been amazing! We are working on our 5th basket! There is a specific list of items needed, thus we ask you sign up for the item, purchase the item as it must be NEW, and return it by September 29th to the basket. Commonwealth Catholic Charities will then deliver the baskets to needy individuals. Be sure to track and move your FEET to the STREET jar. Our goal is to fill the Street jar each month.